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Robert Eberhart
Associate Professor of Management and Faulty Director of the Ahlers Center of International Business - University of San Diego

My research focuses on the influence of institutional change on entrepreneurship, what drives institutional change, and the effect of those changes on the types of ventures that are founded and their performance. I also build on theories of institutions to discern how entrepreneurship is transforming society. This new stream of research is theorized in a series of papers in two Research on the Sociology of Organizations volumes on Entreprneueialism and Society

     Before my academic career,  I spent ten years in the semiconductor industry and then founded and ran a successful company in Tokyo. Now, I make use of those experiences to inform my scholarship and teaching. Since earning my Ph.D. in 2014, I have published in Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Strategy Science, and others. My academic work has won numerous awards from the Academy of Management, Responsible Research in Management, and the Western Academy of Management, among others. I am on the editorial board of Organization Science. My articles have also appeared in academic books by the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum and Springer Publications. 

West Coast Research Seminar
I will present research, joint with Bhargava and Carlsson, on how CEO pay conforms to beliefs that firm outcomes ar largely random.
September 2023
INFORMS Annual Meeting
Phoenix, AZ
Entrepreneurialism and the acceptance of inequality

October  2023
Institutions and Entrepreneurship Conference
The Legacy of the Samurai:  shareholder and stakeholder logics in communities  ventures​
June 2023
Lake Tahoe Reversing the Arrow Conference

June 2023



Fireside Interview - UNC Kenan Flagler 

The Ideology of Entreprenurship

New Video Discussion

Strategic Management Journal - VIDEO

"The Dark Side of Institutional Intermediaries: Junior Stock Exchanges and Entrepreneurship"

w/ C. Eesley

Policy Presentation at Mitsubishi Research Center Symposium with M. Cusumano

I presented a perspective on how open innovation can work - or miss - their targets. Thanks to Shigeo Kagami for inviting me.

New Publication - February 2021


Certification Relics: Entrepreneurship amidst Discontinued Certifications

Robert N. Eberhart

Graduate School of Business

Stanford University

Stanford, CA 94305


Daniel Armanios

Department of Engineering and Public Policy

Carnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, PA 15213


Organization Science, forthcoming

ABC News Interview

Should Facebook be regulated as a media company?

Interview at European Entrepreneurship Forum


Research insights from institutional perspectives were incorporated into policy efforts through a bi-lateral commission with members appointed by the US State Department and METI 

Sweden Royal Institute of Technology

My research is assisting the institute to revise it country's bankruptcy laws. The report was handed over to Mikael Damberg, Minister of Enterprise and Innovation, at the 17 October, 2017. The report, "Entreprenörskap i det 21 århundradet, SOU 2016:72 (Entrepreneurship in the 21st century)" may be downloaded at the government’s webpage:


Stanford University

© 2020 by Robert Eberhart

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